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Nitipat “Ong” Pholchai




Filip Jan Kijowski


Ladda Kongdach


Krid Prarom (DD-flection dance)


Rinyapas "Ing-On" Sirisamanphong (DD-flection dance)


Wattana Wattanawithee



Fasai Sapnirund



To bring somatic practice and artistic knowledge to the public of Thailand, in the hope of mobilizing an inclusive public sphere for an open exchange, creativity, social movement and nurturing individual's self-development.

We aspire to build a sustainable community of people from all walks of life, share the passion for self-development and learning, connection with self and others. We use movement as a tool to let us achieve these aspirations. During the designed workshops we explore human contact and the connections between us.

Participants of our activities come form all walks of life, they include teachers, students, professional dancers, artists, social workers and many other. We have had participants from over 12 nationalities joining our workshops, including British, American, Thai, Malay, Japanese, Russian, Polish and more. We are proud to be a diverse community.


We meet with the vision to share a safe space, where one can explore, in what ways can be connected... inside of us, to the earth, to the sky, to each other. How and in what ways can we build, strengthen and sustain these “connections”.

Past Collaborators


Dhanabhum ‘Jeorbe’ Kong-anantaphan

‘Fonplum’ Arisara

Sadanant ‘Whan’ Thitatarn

Sompong ‘Haste’ Lertvimolkasaem

Phillipe St.Paul

Korjai ‘Yi’ Ouiwattanaphong

‘Mint’ Pavida Wachirapanyaporn

Wishakorn Tapaneeyakorn

Pam Weeradech

Ideh Aboutalebi (IRAN)

Patcharawalai Tiplamai

Neil Anthony Castillo Rusia

Ladda Kongdach

Pakorn ‘Yort’ Mairaing

Prajith K Prasad (India)

Marie Colla (Belgium)

Lauren Trimm (UK)

Jessica van Cauteren (Belgium)

Tera Kilbride (US)

Sebastian Lopez-Lehto (Finland)

Celine Barreau (Canada)

Thalia Laric (South-Africa)

Atul Kumar (India)

Sophon ‘Toffee’ Tubklong

Nuttawut Loungkwa


Music and Vocal:

Coila Enderstein (South Africa)

Arvind Ganga (Netherlands)

Jonathan Nagel (Germany)

Zahra Tajik (Iran)

พสิษฐ์ ประกฤติเวศย์
นรุตม์ จุฑาศานต์
ทวีวัฒน์ อิงคธนาชัย (Thailand)

RJ Jitjaratsang (Thailand)

Ming Yu

Nicolas Keyworth

Wal Jirachaisakul (Thailand)



© 2017 by Nitipat Ong Pholchai and Spine Party Movement

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